The Mathematics Department collaborates with Juusan Biology, through a community service team chaired by Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzan, M.Pd., M.Sc, again held community service activities. This activity aims to improve the ability of mathematics and science teachers in designing PISA (Program For International Students Assessment) Type questions.

The activity was held on October 6, 13, and 27, 2019 which took place in the postgraduate courtroom of Padang State University. The resource persons in this activity were mathematics experts from the UNP mathematics department and Biology experts from the UNP Biology Department, namely Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzan, M.Pd., M.Sc., and Dr. Yuni Ahda, M.Si with the participants of the activity are mathematics and science teachers who are members of the Mathematics and Science MGMP of SMP West Sumatra.

At the beginning of the activity, the resource person emphasized the need for the teacher to guide students to be able to implement their knowledge in everyday life. This is one of the main points in implementing PISA.

In addition, the resource persons also gave explanations to the teachers about several things, namely 1) What is PISA, 2) Indonesia’s Position in the World on PISA Results, 3) how to design questions PISA questions, 4) how to assess PISA questions. In the activities, the teachers were asked to design PISA questions based on the class they were teaching and on certain topics that were being taught. The questions that have been designed are validated together, with the guidance of resource persons. After the questions are valid, the teachers also try out the questions on their students and assess the results based on a rubric that has been designed together.