Mathematics News
PNBP UNP Sponsor Strengthening Implementation of Literacy, Interactive Media, and HOTS in SD to SMA Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota

Community service is one of the important tasks of a lecturer as stated in the tri dharma of higher education: education, research, and community service. The Mathematics Department service team won 3 Community Service titles, especially the Community Partnership Program (PKM) with PNBP funding from Padang State University for partners in 50 Cities District. Each 1 title for community service in SD, SMP, and SMA respectively. PKM SD and SMA activities were held simultaneously from the end of August to September 2019, while PKM for SMP level followed from September to October 2019. For the elementary school level, PKM was held in the form of training and workshops led by Dina Fitria, M.Si, and Fadhilah Fitri, S. Si, M.Stat as chairman and members.
The activity with the title Training and Workshop on the Application of Mathematical Literacy in Primary School Mathematics Learning presented speakers Fridgo Tasman, S.Pd, M.Sc, Suherman, S.Pd, M.Si, and Defri Ahmad, S.Pd, M.Sc. As for the activity partners, the Gugus III KKG, Guguak District, 50 Cities District. Fridgo explains cases in everyday life that can be used as a basis for starting a concept according to a scientific approach based on mathematical literacy. Then Defri continued with the technique of teaching algebra and number concepts in elementary schools, for example teaching fractions visually. And finally, Suherman explained the technique of literacy with Geometry problems.
After the presentation of the material, the Community Service Team (Dina and Dila) continued the activity with a workshop on the preparation of questions and how to teach mathematics based on mathematical literacy. Meanwhile, for the junior high school level, PKM was driven by Suherman, S.Pd. M.Si and Defri Ahmad, S.Pd. M.Si held training activities on how to teach as well as how to create Augmented Reality (AR) -based Geometry learning media.
AR is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where objects in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across a variety of sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory, and olfactory (Wikipedia). With AR, it is expected that geometry learning in junior high schools will be based on visual 3D and real. On the other hand, PKM SMA with the title Training and Workshop on Understanding and Making Mathematical Problems Based on High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and Teaching Techniques at the District 50 City Mathematics MGMP chaired by Defri Ahmad, S.Pd, M.Si with members of Drs. Syafriandi, M.Si and Dra. Media Rosha, M.Si.
The findings in the field showed that there were differences in perceptions between teachers about the definition of HOTS, so we started this activity with the same perception of the HOTS and HOTS concepts in mathematics through the explanations given by Syafriandi. After that, the material was continued with a discussion of HOTS-based Mathematics questions in SMA which were contained in UNBK, SBMPTN, and UTBK questions. And finally, Media Rosha explained the application of HOTS/techniques to teach HOTS questions in SMA.
Then the last half of the activity was continued with a workshop on making HOTS questions and how to teach them. This PKM activity has been officially opened by the Mayor of Payakumbuh through the official opening of service and research activities in the Fifty Cities and Payakumbuh City districts on July 31, 2019. This activity was attended by UNP Rector Prof. Ganefri and the Chairperson of LP2M UNP Prof. Rusdinal. And specifically for the three activities of the Mathematics Department, it is planned to carry out an official opening in one place with the Head of the Fifty Cities Regency Office and the Head of the Fifty Cities Branch of the West Sumatra Provincial Service.
However, they were constrained by the locations which were quite far apart. The three activities were opened separately. SD and SMP activities were held in places sponsored by the 50 Cities District Education Office and were carried out separately at the Fifty Kota Junior High School KKG and MGMP on Wednesday, 21 August 2019 and Thursday, 29 August 2019, namely at SDN 03 Guguak for SD and at SMPN 1 Harau for junior high school. The activity was attended by representatives of the 50 City District education offices, principals of SD who are members of the MGMP, teachers of grades 4, 5, and 6 of SD. Meanwhile, PKM at SMA was opened by the Head of the Fifty Cities Branch Office of West Sumatra Province represented by Mr. Bedrizal at SMAN 1 Harau. The activities were followed enthusiastically by teachers, both training and workshops. This satisfaction is measured through a questionnaire distributed to the teacher.
The teacher stated that he was very satisfied in terms of the expertise of the presenters and the suitability of the material with the teacher’s needs. Meanwhile for the implementation of the teacher also expressed satisfaction. The teacher hopes that activities like this should be sustainable so that the teacher’s vocabulary and techniques are up to date in accordance with the development of the curriculum and students. Among the material expected by the teacher are further HOTS, Literacy, Mathematics OSN Preparation Training, IT-based Interactive Media and others.
In addition to providing training and workshops for teachers, students were presented in the middle of the meeting to benefit from this activity. All of them seemed enthusiastic about the material given. In addition to the wealth of material that is given free of charge to teachers and students, door prizes are also given for students who successfully answer questions correctly and quickly. This activity also involves students as the successor of the next generation of teachers. Several students who have been prepared to accompany service activities, including Jedi Priwahyu Candra, Muhammad Hafidzh, Tesya Jossefin, Neneng and Afdhal. Students are responsible for making observations, documenting, teaching students, processing data and others. DA, DF
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