Courses mathematics is again holding routine religious study activities, an activity which was held on January 22, 2020, at the courtroom of the mathematics department, filled by Ustadz Abu Bakar Syarif. In this activity, ustadz conveyed an indication that a person who is successful in his life is someone who always keeps his prayers. It is based on QS. Al Mulk # 39; minun verses 8-11. Allah SWT has conveyed orders to keep prayers as contained in the QS. Al Baqarah verse 238. Then how do we keep our prayers? There are so many things related to keeping prayers. However on the occasion, Ustadz conveyed three things about keeping prayers.
These three things are 1). Maintain prayer times. Keeping the maximum prayer time is praying on time. A Muslim must pray on time, not before and after prayer time. Even as a Muslim, one has to pray at the beginning of time. The beginning of time, according to Imam Syafie, is a prayer that begins with azan, circumcision, and iqomah prayers, then the prayer at the beginning of the time is carried out. Apart from that, the next prayer time also needs to be considered. 2) Maintain the number of prayer cycles. Prayers need to be maintained in number.
A minimum of 17 cycles a day and night and should be added with other circumcision prayers. 3) Maintain harmony and prayer requirements. In order for prayer to be accepted, the harmonious and conditions of prayer must be paid attention to. Ustadz invited all participants of the recitation activity to make efforts to pray at the mosque. The more the congregation pray, the more the reward value. Hopefully, all Muslims and Muslim women who are majoring in mathematics can keep their prayers well so that they can be successful in their lives. amen.
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