Mathematics Program Study
Objectives and Learning Outcomes
The objective of the degree programme is mainly referred to level 6 standard from Indonesia Qualification Framework (IQF) and guidelines from Indonesian Mathematical Society (IndoMS). IQF Degree Program on Level 6 is as follows:
- Able to apply their expertise and use science, technology and/or the art of problem solving in the field and able to adapt faced situations. (6.1)
- Master theoretical concepts in general knowledge and theoretical concepts in a specialized field in-depth as well as able to formulate a procedural problem solving. (6.2)
- Able to take the right decisions based on the analysis of information and data, and able to provide guidance in selecting various alternative solutions independently and in a group. (6.3)
- Have responsibility for his/her own accountable work. (6.4)
Mathematics Program Study
The Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)
The Program Education Objectives (PEO) is to produce a bachelor of science in mathematics that has mathematics and application competencies, possess good soft skill, emotional and spiritual quotient whose characteristics :
- Able to applied mathematics and its way of thinking to solve real-world problems. (PEO 1)
- Adaptable to science and technology development and continuously self-develop in mathematics and other related subjects. (PEO 2)
- Communicative, collaborative, and have scientific ethics and patriotism. (PEO 3)
Mathematics Program Study
The Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO)
- Act according to Pancasila values.
- Display scientific attitudes
- Create simple realistic mathematical problem/solution under supervision.
- Prove simple mathematical statements using concepts they are familiar with
- Implement simple mathematical processes on the computer
- Use Information technology as devices/tools to solve problems
- Create effective communication and collaboration
- Adapt and improve their quality continuously
- Develope critical, creative, structured, and systematical thinking skill
- Analyze information and data to make decision
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